
Unda Arte is a collaborative art duo, consisting of the Swedish-Estonian artist, Marie Lundvall (born in 1970), and the Swedish artist, Peder Bjoerk (born in 1967). Since the start in 2010 their focus is on fine art photography/contemporary art. 

Before UA was formed, the artists were dedicated in the same vein, experimenting with different art forms. According to UA, the interaction between, e.g., photography, painting, and sculpture brings new, inspirational dimensions into the creative process, in which both artists are deeply involved. The art is created in a dynamic, dialectical collaboration between Lundvall and Bjoerk.

The artists have a broad perspective, inspired by and dealing with a wide range of issues, within and beyond the human, social and natural sciences. One important theme is the (postmodern) convergence between today's fine and popular culture, contextualizing or deconstructing different aspects of the human being in postmodern society.

The artists would like the art observer to be aware that some of the photos may have an atypical meaning... Usually, we tend to make it easy for ourselves; for example a darkish or grayish color is quite often interpreted as a, more or less, depressive/destructive element. Black can sometimes, according to UA, connote for example a positive, enigmatic and/or a calm ambience... Gray may, at times, be poetic, serene, calm..; sometimes very positive.., depending on the context... Concerning colors – and style – the artists occasionally use hyperrealistic "glasses" — or look beyond them, in exploring the prevalent, underlying mechanisms... While we are on the subject of colors and perspective..; UA has an international audience and an including, anti-racist angle of approach.

By looking more closely at the photos (one at a time..), the art observer may confront his/her own perspectives, views on various phenomena... By deconstructing the artworks the audience may also discern different layers of interpretation with or without guidelines from the artists. Lundvall and Bjoerk are not afraid of being pretentious; meaning and pretensions are intertwined values in their work. What is art without any meaning or context..? A rhetorical question, according to UA.

UA has exhibited in Europe, the U.S, Asia and Australia. They have participated in various magazines and been among the winners in a number of international art competitions. As authors they publish texts and books, as graphic designers they create book and record covers. Recently, the art duo also formed Unda Sonora...

Lundvall and Bjoerk are members of CFF (Center for Photography), BUS (Visual Arts Copyright Society in Sweden), Swedish PEN, ALIS (Administration of Literary Rights in Sweden), STIM (Swedish Performing Rights Society) and SAMI (Swedish Artists' and Musicians' Interest Organization).

Lundvall and Bjoerk also own and operate The Sublunar Society, a publishing company and record label, founded in 2013. Sublunar publishes books and releases CDs for the international and national markets. The company also produces exclusive limited edition art products for collectors.

Sublunar is a member of NOFF (Nordic Independent Publishers Association), SOM (Swedish Independent Music Producers), and SLR (Swedish Label Rights). SOM is a member of WIN (The Worldwide Independent Music Industry Network), a global forum for the professional independent music industry. SOM is also affiliated to IMPALA (Independent Music Companies Association), representing over 4,000 independents and national associations of independent companies across Europe. SLR is a member of Merlin, a global rights agency, representing independent music rights worldwide.

This website is protected by Constitutional Law. In accordance with the Swedish Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression (in Swedish: Yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen), the publisher, Peder Bjoerk, and the name www.undaarte.com, provided by The Sublunar Society HB, has been registered. The decision was made by The Swedish Broadcasting Authority on February 13, 2014. 

In order to see Unda Arte's CV, click here.